Farming and Agriculture

From Farmer to Farmer - we want to help you grow

Just-Kelp liquid seaweed extract

Just-Kelp is a cold-pressed liquid seaweed extract rich in active ingredients that boost crop production and health. It is made made from sustainably grown Scottish kelp, and functions as a plant growth stimulant rather than a fertiliser.

Farmers have understood the benefit of using seaweed for hundreds of years to support the healthy growth of their crops. When liquid kelp is applied as a foliar spray it: stimulates new cell growth to promote root and shoot development and leaf greening; improves plant stress tolerance; and enriches the soil microbiology. It also improves nutrient uptake so that plants can make better use of any fertilisers already present in the soil. This all translates into improved yields, and greater returns.

Just-Kelp can be supplied in 5L and 25L drums, and 1000L tank.

Be Drought Ready: Just-Kelp helps plants survive and thrive with less water, which is increasingly important with global warming and more regular dry spells. See trial results here.

Production and Composition: As farmers ourselves (albeit at sea!) we understand that agriculture has become a precise science, and we are collectively striving for reliability and effectiveness. Full details on the production process, composition and active ingredients can be found here.

Contact us for a full Technical Data Sheet.

“Biostimulant products can help farmers adapt their agricultural systems to an increasingly volatile climate while enhancing food production sustainability, thereby contributing to a climate-smart farm model for the future”

- European Biostimulants Industry Council

Farming & Agriculture